You've Got To Hide Your Love Away


1:HBere I stFand with hG#ead in hBand
tD#urn my fD#ace to the wG#allD# 
Bif she's gFone I cG#an't go Bon
C C F C D Dadd9 Dadd9 D4sus D)
feelin' two-foot small.___[(D]
2:Everywhere people stare
each and every day
I can see them laugh at me
and I hear them say.
R:  G C D4sus D Dadd9 D
/: Hey you've got to hide your love away! :/
3:How could I even try
I can never win
hearing them seeing them
in the state I'm in.
4:How could she say to me
love will find a way
gather 'round all you clowns
let me hear you say.
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:08.983+00:00
Datum poslední změny :2015-06-02T07:50:09.402+00:00
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